Free Wine Tasting Every Tuesday and Wednesday evening at Grub and Vine

Grub & Vine

Free Wine Tasting Every Tuesday and Wednesday evening at ...

Monday–Friday: noon–2:30pm | 6pm–10pm
Saturdays: 6pm–10pm
Closed: Sundays
+27 (0)76 256 8654
103 Bree Street, City Centre

Wine Tasting Every Wednesday at Grub and Vine

Grub & Vine’s #VineNight hosts a different wine farm every week

Paul Cluver? Radford Dale? Newton Johnson? If you don’t know who these guys are or what their wines taste like, it’s time to raise your glass (and game) by attending Grub & Vine’s weekly #VineNight – a wine tasting hosted by a different wine farm every Wednesday evening from 6pm. 

It takes place at the Green Room, just behind the bustling bistro. Don’t worry that you’ll be out of your depth. As Chef Matt Manning’s puts it, #VineNight “caters for all levels of wine geek, from the newbie to the aficionado.

#VineNight is open to Joe Public, but seating limited to 24 people, and it costs only R75 per person, so booking is recommended. It’s also a great excuse to stay in the city instead of fighting against the traffic. If you need an excuse, that is.

Read more about Grub & Vine and the Chef’s Studio.


Vegetarian and vegan fine dining at Grub & Vine’s Veg & Vine.

Oenophiles check out where you can try the Cape’s top wine tastings and various wine regions and routes.

Wine pairs best with fine food, so have a look at some fine dining options in Cape Town.

The ever-hip city bowl is bursting with new places on Bree Street.


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