Events in Kapstadt | Veranstaltungen Kapstadt | Konzerte Kapstadt Südafrika 17-August-2024
Palm House Boutique Hotel and Spa August 2024

This boutique 5-star hotel offers world-class spa treatments

The signature Palm Journey includes a 3-course lunch

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Pear Tree

The hidden seaside bistro on the Hermanus Waterfront

Sushi calamari, miso sirloin & rice krispies milkshakes

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Cannibisters 2024

Cape Town’s very own cannabis club, for members only

Now with over 90 strains of weed and The Serenity Room

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Milk on the Beach 2024

Reasons to visit this beach-side family spot in Onrus

Ramen by the sea, a build-your-own waffle bar & 5 more

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Char'd Grill 2024

Meat appreciation platter at a bucket-list steakhouse

3 cuts selected by the chef, with bone marrow and garlic rolls

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Neighbourfood 2024 V&A Waterfront

V&A Waterfront’s fantastic restaurant specials

Specials at Sevruga, Karibu, Gibson’s, Beluga, KFC & more

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Spier winter picnics 2024

Spier’s winter specials

Soup and wine pairing, or a kitted-out winter picnic?

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Woodstock Brewery beer tasting

Local craft beer tasting even beer-ginners will enjoy

Nine craft beers, small-batch Thursdays + a guide for beginners

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Off-road adventure at Scootours Banhoek

Best day ever? Monster Mountain Scooters in Stellenbosch

Scootours Banhoek has scooters, vine bikes and archery

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Escape rooms Cape Town

Possibly the best escape room in the world?

HintHunt’s Marble is being called “the king of escape rooms”

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Mountain Market

Affordable healthy food at this city market

Organic fruit and veg, smoothie bowls + small-scale clothes

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Char'd Grill & Wine Bar

Spirit tastings and unique cuts at Char’d Grill

Gin atomiser, brandy tastings and chef recommendations

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Trail's End Bike Hotel Lies mehr
Two Oceans Aquarium clean up

Free beach clean-ups with the Two Oceans Aquarium

It happens every single month. See upcoming dates

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Donna money magic

Online Money Magic short course

9-week course shows you how to earn, save & invest more

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Zip Zap Kaleidoscope 2024

Kaleidoscope, Zip Zap Circus’ latest show, is on for 4 shows only

Every ticket funds Zip Zap’s social programmes

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Honeybee Heroes

Be a beekeeper for a day at Honeybee Heroes

Adopt a hive, learn about bees, take a beekeeping course, buy honey

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Park Inn by Radisson

Friday night live DJ on the rooftop at Park Inn

Harald’s Bar & Terrace is where locals and tourists mingle

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Unsere 6 ultimativen Kapstadt-Tipps

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Herbst am Kap


Brewery with food specials (almost) every day

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