Kapstadt Blog
Aerial shot of Cape Town South Africa
CTMag Blog

8 Überlebenstipps für Kapstadt

Ihr kommt nach Kapstadt und fragt euch, wie man die erste Zeit in der Mother City am besten übersteht? Keine Sorge, hier gibts unsere Tipps und Tricks, um immer souverän und entspannt zu bleiben. 

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Lion's Head View
CTMag Blog

Meine Wohnungssuche in Kapstadt

Nach Wochen der Verzweiflung und seltsamen Erlebnissen habe ich meinen Lieblingsplatz in Kapstadt gefunden.

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sightseeing Bus Miss Earth
CTMag Blog

Der rote Bus, Miss Earth und ich

Eine Sightseeing Tour durch die reichen und armen Viertel von Kapstadt

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Beach at the Garden Route
CTMag Blog

Ein Trip entlang der Garden Route – Lekker!

Rundreise entlang der Garden Route: Nach 5 Tagen, 9 Städten und gefühlten 10 000 km später wieder in Kapstadt.

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Ocean Basket
CTMag Blog

Essen in Kapstadt: Die Küchen der Welt in einer Stadt

Schlemmen in Kapstadt - für jeden Geschmack ist etwas dabei.

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Woodstock BreweryBrewery with food specials (almost) ...

Daily specials on comfort meals like burgers and schnitzels

Filini interiorFilini at Radisson Cape Town Foreshore

Tiramisu martinis, lasagne crocchetta and a buzzy rooftop bar

Maynardville 2025 NEW 5All you need to know about Maynardville ...

All you need to know, from programme to picnic & parking

HintHunt AfricaGet over the midweek hump with a ...

Easy spot for team building, midweek date night, & more

The Barracks accommodation city centre Cape Town accommodation special for a ...

20% off, free breakfast, access to rooftop pool

Pear TreeThe hidden seaside bistro on the ...

Sushi calamari, miso sirloin & rice krispies milkshakes

mischuReasons to have lunch at mischu

Where else in Sea Point can you have lunch for under R100?

Trail's End Bike HotelTeam building, stylish conferencing & ...

Ultimate work-play-and-stay hub, Trail’s End

ceder1Accommodation special at Cederkloof ...

Book for 4, pay for 2. There’s hot tubs, hiking trails, pools…

mischu 2024Weekends are for mischu

You can get breakfast and coffee with the R99 brunch special

Palm House Boutique Hotel and Spa August 2024This boutique 5-star hotel offers ...

The signature Palm Journey includes a 3-course lunch

Woodstock BreweryBrewery with food specials (almost) ...

Daily specials on comfort meals like burgers and schnitzels

Filini interiorFilini at Radisson Cape Town Foreshore

Tiramisu martinis, lasagne crocchetta and a buzzy rooftop bar

Maynardville 2025 NEW 5All you need to know about Maynardville ...

All you need to know, from programme to picnic & parking

HintHunt AfricaGet over the midweek hump with a ...

Easy spot for team building, midweek date night, & more

The Barracks accommodation city centre Cape Town accommodation special for a ...

20% off, free breakfast, access to rooftop pool

Pear TreeThe hidden seaside bistro on the ...

Sushi calamari, miso sirloin & rice krispies milkshakes

mischuReasons to have lunch at mischu

Where else in Sea Point can you have lunch for under R100?

Trail's End Bike HotelTeam building, stylish conferencing & ...

Ultimate work-play-and-stay hub, Trail’s End

AroundAboutCars 3 Car rental specials in Cape Town

Free upgrades, free data, 10% off luxury vehicles & more

ceder1Accommodation special at Cederkloof ...

Book for 4, pay for 2. There’s hot tubs, hiking trails, pools…

Palm House Boutique Hotel and Spa August 2024Sublime dining at Palm House Boutique ...

Friday Night Steak Club, Afternoon Tea, 6-course tasting menu & more

mischu 2024Weekends are for mischu

You can get breakfast and coffee with the R99 brunch special

Palm House Boutique Hotel and Spa August 2024This boutique 5-star hotel offers ...

The signature Palm Journey includes a 3-course lunch


10 Gründe, das Wetter in Kapstadt zu lieben

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WetterReise TippsGarden RouteMein Kapstadt